
About Me

EXPERIENCE: Amanda Boley is diversified working with at risk youth, individuals with physical, cognitive, mental and psychological disabilities. Her experience includes Individual and Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Private Sector Rehabilitation (State Fund, Self-Insured, and Expert Witness Testimony).  Amanda has been in the helping industry since 1994.  

EDUCATION: Amanda Boley is a graduate of the American School of Professional Psychology. Her education also includes Argosy University where she earned her Graduate degree in Counseling Psychology. Amanda earned her Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling degree, Social Services and Mental Health Certification. Amanda Boley is also a Minister and has numerous Certifications earned through the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.  

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Amanda Boley is a member of the American Counseling Association, Amercian Counseling Association, Womens in Workmans Compensation, American Board of Vocational Experts, and American Mental Health Counselors.


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